Friday, May 6, 2011

Time with the kids

I came to my daughter and son in laws, mandi and James house to spend a very long mothers day weekend. It has been nice just sitting and rocking elleigh. Or watching Brystol and her silly antics ( she is such a clown). Seeing Riley grace after her haircut that now makes her look 32 instead of nearly 9, and watching her daddy gray before my eyes as he sees how quickly she is growing up. And bub? Not sure how he does it. Too many little girls for him, but he handles it like a champ. The mama of them all is just tired, and I so wish I wasn't sick so I could do more to help her. She never complains, just keeps going. So this has been a good weekend. Tho I am bald, and tire easily, I have enjoyed the normalcy, or maybe this is insanity, either way, it has been fun. I go in for my CT scan thurs at 1 pm. This scan is to determine whether my tumors have shrunk, and if so, by how much. It will also determine whether I can also have radiation to go with the chemo. To see if everything lines up like it's supposed to for radiation. So I am hopeful, and prayerful, and wishful that the tumors have shrunk, a lot, that I can have radiation, and chemo, and God will have seen fit to give me just a little more time. I cannot imagine going thru all the chemo I have, being as sick as I have, and the tumors not shrinking at all. I cannot even wrap my mind around that. So just be in prayer with me, that after the scan on thurs, I will get a good report when I see oncologist on Monday. I am ready for some good news. This would be good news. Becky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration, to everyone that does not know, I am bald headed as well, but it is not because? I am so proud of you, hold your head high,and be who you are! I Love You!!!

Ronnie Dale