Friday, October 28, 2011

This past March

This past march, I was diagnosed with small cell lung carsenoma extended, or oat cell cancer. I was also diagnosed with a rare disease called lambert-eaton myastenic syndrome. And treatment for both are as painful as you might expect. One was the worst pain you could imagine, and I've had babies! Right after diagnosis, in March, I was told had days to live. Did i want to go home and die there, or be moved to palliative care where they will make me comfortable until I die? I didn't like either of those choices, so I chose door number 3. My daughter and sister did some research and found Baylor Cancer treatment center downtown was the best there was. My dr is Dr Konduri. He has never, not one time said to me that I will die. I know this cancer is terminal, but we don't talk about that because I dont want to. Dr konduri keeps an eye on every aspect of my treatment. He goes over my medicine, wants to know who prescribed it. Do I have their phone number? He will call them, right then, and tell them to take me off of it, or change it. So now I've gone from days to live to the results of my scan from Wednesday. Today I was told my scan was awesome. I have one lymph node that has enlarged, but due to my cough, he thinks it's an infection. He is going to rescan in 2 weeks to be sure it's an infection, but I feel well enough, I believe that is all it is. The other good news is the wound specialist has cleared me for brain radiation. I guess that's good news, but it needs to be done. So in march, I was given days to live. Now, thanks to the God I serve, 8 months later I'm still here. YEAH! Now I just have to deal with lambert-eaton. My legs just don't work well at all. I do the old woman shuffle. If this continues, I will be bed ridden very soon. I go to Houston soon, Nov 1, to be re-examined. If all goes well, I will be given a drug that they say will make my legs normal. Good lord, what a miracle! It would suck to be given more time here on earth, only to have to spend it in bed. So today, I am so grateful to God for all he has done to keep me alive, feeling fairly good, and getting me on the right track for lambert eaton. I am blessed. I am grateful, I am happy, and I am enjoying my life. To my brothers, beware. I am going to be around to bug you for awhile. And to my sister, i already know she is on my side. Thank you Lord for keeping me alive this long. Giving me another grandbaby. I love having 11 of them rascals. just thank you Lord. Y'all keep praying for me. Please. Keep the faith! Becky

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