Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve, and I cannot believe I am still on earth. God, in all his mercy and grace, has left me here way longer than predicted by the drs. And to top everything off, I feel great! For as sick as I've been in the last 9 months, it is a miracle, for sure. But of course, God is still in the miracle business. I am so blessed. So this Christmas, I will face it with a childlike awe I haven't known since I was very small. The awe that God, my Creator, loves me enough to care about what I want. That I wanted to live long enough to see my 11th grandchild born (she was born in Oct), that I wanted to live to be older than 55 (I turned 56 in nov), and that I wanted to spend Christmas with my family. My goals (wants) keep changing. Now my goal/wish is to be at Chelsea's college graduation. Which is in May. After spending a wonderful couple of days with my son and family, I will go to my daughters and stay the night with her, James, and 5 more grandkids. So today, my life is good. I will go to the Christmas Eve Service at church to spend time with my God. I will reflect of not only what God has done for me, but sent His own Son to pay the ultimate price for my eternity with Him. As a person with a terminal disease, I am beginning to understand the sacrifice of death, without, of course, all the pain and torture Christ endured, just to pay for MY sin. I am grateful for everyday I am given on Earth. I know it is a gift from God. Keep praying for me. I am still fighting this thing. And I will continue to fight, until God tells me to stop and come on home. So this Christmas eve of 2011, I know I am blessed beyond measure. I pray your Christmas is just as blessed. Keep the faith. Becky

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