Thursday, December 8, 2011

I have always been a people person. I enjoy listening to them, watching them, talking to them, and just being around them. That is why my job at The Home Depot was such perfect job for my. I became a family with my fellow coworkers, I had managers I had grown to love, managers I liked, managers I tolerated, and them the one that made me dread going to work. Really dread it. My life was fairly good. Bills got paid, I enjoyed my kids and grandkids, and kept drama out of my life. I did this on purpose, just because I wanted and needed the sanity. I am struggling today with maintaining this sanity. I am just getting over a major setback. After 2 brain radiations, my brain swelled. You can only imagine the problems from that. Now truthfully, I don't remember it. I just remember the "battle" to come back. Even after coming back, I have remained exhausted for a week. However, Praise the Lord, things are becoming back to normal. Tho i don't feel exactly competent to make my own decisions, or drive myself, I am returning. Slowly, surely, and with God help, this will all be a bad memory. I meet tomorrow with the radiologist, and oncologist to see where we go from here. I do know at this time, I'm calling off radiology. I cannot take it. Beyond that, I am not physically or mentally capable of making that decision. Mama also said when in doubt, don't. So I wont Keep praying for strength, courage to face my future, and the ability to make the right decisions. I couldn't face this without God. I just couldn't. I know he loves me, died for me, and a promise of eternity with Him. I love that, just not quite ready to go yet. Pray for strength. Pray for courage, and pray for peace in decisions made. I still need the prayers. Keep the faith, Becky

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