Saturday, May 19, 2012

I am grateful alive today. Until this sickness, came along, I assumed I would wake up. Terminal cancer has a way of changing things. I do not take anything for granted. I am going to move in to my daughter,son in law. And their 5 kids. I hate having to rely and the grandbabies. I have tried to maintain some sort of indepence. Tho, in reality, I lost my independence a long time ago. I am in awe that James and Mandi have gone the uproar in of moving me in. They may say its no problem, but in truth is, I know first hand. I took care of mama before she passed away and AUNT Patsy, who was mean as a snake. I need more hands on to take of me. I am excited about being closer to the kids. Now, I'm excited! Keep. The. Faith. Becku

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