Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hope and the ants

Several years ago, quite a few In fact, I drove my mother to Tribune, Kansas to visit my sister. Since she is the wise one and didn't smoke, I stepped outside to have a cigarette or two. I remember it was a nice day. My brother-in-law, who is a awesome pastor of his church, and is also a miracle yard dude, had this beautifll, lush back yard. It was always a pleasure to sit on his lawn. So there I am, sitting in the grass, smoking, when I notice this long ant trail. Lots of ants, walking the same path, up and back. They did not waiver or get off their trail. They were just doing their little nt thing. Whatever their purpose, they were deturmined. I hunted around, and found a little stick. I placed this stick right in the path of the ant trail. Well, this confused them. Some began to wander aimlessly in circles, some wandered WAY off, and some turned around and went bank the way they came. To the ants, this was a huge obstacle. It messed up their life, they couldn't see a way out of it, but in truth, it was just a little bitty stick. All I had to do was pick up the stick. I sometimes think our problems are like that. We go about our lives, or at least I did. I worked at a job I loved, with people I adored, lived with my best friend, and life was good. Just following my little ant trail. Never really stopping to think about how truly blessed I was. Just living my life, following my ant trail to and fro. Then one day, this big o stick got placed in my path. I did what the ants did, first I wandered aimlessly, then off the path, then finally headed back the way I had come. The truth was, to me, it was just a little bitty stick. Once I flicked it away, the ants were good. Lord, help me remember, to you, this illness is a little bitty stick. I see it as huge. Like the ants, I can't see over it, I see no way around it, and certainly can't get under it. So Lord, if I can just remember to you, this is a little bitty stick. You could flick it away. But in the meantime, Lord, help me to not run aimlessly about, help me to stay on the path, but the most important, just help me stay close to you and just wait. Help me to remember to be still, and know that you are God. Becky

1 comment:

The Young's said...

Thank you for this post. It really got me thinking about my perspective verses God's.
Krista Young
P.S would love to get together sometime so you can see the girls. Oh, and Sean too ;-)