Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Still reading "Crazy Love"

Today, during my last chemo for the month, I was reading the book Crazy Love. I downloaded it on my iPad sometime back, and haven't finished. Here is what I read this morning, and it seemed so fitting for my day. Jesus said, "in this word you will have trouble" John 16:33. Life isn't perfect when you follow Christ wholeheartedly, you will have trouble, Jesus says. It is pretty much guaranteed. BUT He has overcome the world. So take heart, keep on, fight the good fight, pray continuously, and do not grow weary. There is nothing better than giving up everything and stepping into a passionate love relationship with God, the God of the universe who made the galaxies, leaves, laughter, and me and you. How fitting for me to read today. In the last several months, I have had 4 close friends die of cancer. So for me, especially while I'm sitting in this chemo chair, I need to remember this. I will take heart, keep on, fight the good fight, pray continuously, and do my best not to grow weary. I hate this cancer, but I love the Lord. Seeing all these dear people, so close to me die, honestly frightens me a bit. And even at times, makes me want to quit fighting. But then there are days like today that is my daughters birthday, or I will see Brystol get that little ornery gleem in her eyes, or Riley-Grace wants to cuddle, and Matthew would rather have the fleas of a thousand camels nest in his armpits, rather than cuddle, but he does it anyway, just for a minute. My life with Cheryl is a good one. We laugh, go places, enjoy church together, or just sitting in our recliner with our feet up. So Lord, today, just help me not feel so weary. One foot in front of the other, one breath at a time. Becky

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