Sunday, May 1, 2011


I actually had written another blog, but not sure what happened to it, so I will try to re-do. I have come to the conclusion that I do not need or should blog while I am undergoing chemo. Not that what I feel isn't valid, or even true, but it is entirely skewed. Chemo not only effects me physically, but emotionally, and even spiritually. I feel such a feeling of despair when I am doing chemo, or hopelessness, or sadness, that at times I am completely inconsolable. It seems not one person can say or do anything that makes me feel better when I am in the chemo- crazies. So here is the deal. I will let you guys know when I am undergoing chemo. Of course, please pray for me. But more importantly, pray for poor Cheryl, who listens to me weep and wail, and can do nothing. Pray for Dennis and Matt who have to walk away thinking I have lost my ever loving mind. And pray that for all we as a family are going thru, the tumors have shrunk. I will have 2 more rounds of chemo. I am of the understanding each one gets harder than the one before, and I am also of an understanding, it will take e longer to rebound back. So please forgive my chemo-crazie rants, please keep praying for me and my family, and more importantly, thank you all for still standing with me. Becky

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