Monday, May 2, 2011

A good day

Today, I'm better. Not sure why, maybe enough days past chemo. I haven't done much today. Just sat around, but physically, I'm better. Curtis, thanks for dropping by and bringing the hats. My bald head can use all the help it can get! Spiritually, I'm hopeful. I am anxious for the scan "one day" next week. Not sure yet when. They are supposed to call me. Hopefully, it will be soon. I am praying all has shrunk and lined up like it is all supposed to so I can have radiation. I know I serve a big and awesome God. And I am so prayerful. As my daughter says, none of this is a surprise to God. It is just a surprise to me. The other thing I found out is my new grand baby is a girl. I should say "surprise, it's a girl". But the truth is, in this particular family, this will be their 4th girl..oldest child s a boy. I can definitely see a man cave in the future. So I must, must, must get well enough, and live long enough to see this granddaughter. After that birth, I will set a new goal. Anyway, I'm sleepy, and ready for bed. Keep praying, and keep the faith. Becky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Becky, yes we serve a powerful and loving God, and yes you WILL see your grand-daughter !
