Saturday, May 7, 2011

What I learned today

It is tough facing your own mortality. Course, we all face that every day, but it is a little tough knowing it is coming sooner than later. As a Christian, it is easier. I know when I die, I will go to heaven and spend eternity with God and my Lord and savior. The problem for me has been when I get sad or weapy, I have been afraid this was a lack of faith. I also know God is big on faith. In church tonight, I have learned everything Christ did on the cross was enough. Tho my head has known that, when you are dying, you just want to get it right. I am only going to die once, so somehow, I made this about me rather than Christ. I learned Christ did everything that needed to be done on the Cross. It is not about how many Bible studies I attend, or how many Christian books I read, or how many anything I do. I believe Jesus was Gods son, born of a virgin. He lived sinless, and yet died a horrible death on the cross, for me, a horrid sinner. I believe he was placed in a tomb and rose on the 3rd day. I believe what he said when he said he was going to heaven to prepare a place for me, and when he is done, he will come get me and take me to it. I love the Lord, and cannot imagine being in this situation and not having Christ. The most important thing I learned tonight is this really is not all about me. It is about what Christ did on the cross for me. How very grateful I am to have finally got that thru not only my head, but my heart. What a great lesson I learned. And what a relief to know nothing I can do will change me or my circumstance, only Christ. And he took care of everything on the cross. I loved going to the Village tonight. It was just what I needed to hear.

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