Monday, May 9, 2011

What a great day

Today has been such a great day! The weather was beautiful, Cheryl and I ran a few errands that needed to be ran, and just enjoyed ourselves. Found a place on josey that has a cancer support group. May be interesting. Think I'll call them tomorrow. Can't hurt. Today, I was able to forget just for a little while, I had cancer. Not for any particular reason except I feel good and we had other things to do. So I love days like this. Tonight I attended a bible study. It was great to haul
my bald self to a home and just study about understanding the bible in
60 days. Since they had already started, I may have to learn the bible a whole lot quicker. But I'm on it. I can do it. So today, I am inspired. Today I am loved. Today I am cared for and happy. Today I am blessed. Today I love my life. I wish things were different with my sickness, but they are not. So I accept what is and fight with everything in me to beat this thing. In the meantime, I keep on keeping on. That is all I can do, and pray. Just keep praying. For health, healing, and miracles. I believe in miracles. I believe God is still in the miracle business. so I just keep praying for one of those. I don't need a lot of miracles, just one. So I keep praying for just the one. Keep the faith, Becky

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