Sunday, May 8, 2011

Another day

I am not a person who was raised in church. And I will go so far as to say what I did know and believed about God was really warped and in some ways crazy. My daughter, Amanda, lead my to the Lord, and encouraged my growth in Christ. Now don't blame her for some of the crazy ideas I get. I get those on my own, or just things I somehow believe about God. I am still in awe of the church service last night. To finally get thru my head that my upcoming death is not about me, but what Christ did on the cross is nearly liberating. Now don't get me wrong, I have some involvement. I will still be dead, so in some ways, it's about me. But to know that there is nothing more I need to do to be loved by God, is kinda crazy. We do things all the time so people will love us, approve of us, like us, or continue to care about us. But with God, as Christians and a believer, I need to do nothing else. How crazy is that! Ok, you believers who have been around a very long time probably already knew this. But for me, to finally understand Christ took care of all that on the cross, and will never love me more than he does at this moment is mind blowing! I am being held blameless due to the blood of Christ, and I am a skuzbag. When God sees me, he doesn't see all that I am responsible for, or caused, or reasons I should be in Hell, God sees the blood of Christ. I envy you guys that was raised in church. You guys have always known this and I am just now learning it. I have always felt as a Christian, I needed to do more, had a responsibility to do more. I will continue to do all I can to serve the Lord, and better serve the kingdom of God until He takes me. But what a relief to know God loves me just the way I am, right now, at tnia moment. And for that, I praise Him and thank him for opening my eyes to the truth. Becky

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