Wednesday, April 27, 2011

For some reason, today is hard

Today, for some reason is hard. I am not sure why. I feel a little weapy, tho I have much to be grateful for. I have the scan coming up in 2 weeks to see if my cancer has shrunk. I so pray they have. If they have, I will also start radiation. Between chemo and radiation, I have a chance at at longer life. I know this cancer will kill me, short of an absolute miracle from God. And I will tell you, I want to be here as long as I can. So, today I am scared for what the scan will show. I want to live a long healthy life. I want to just not be sick. I want my life back with all my problems, joys, happiness, hard times, all of it. It is amazing that we do not know what we have until it is gone. So, today I am sad. I want to just be happy again. I'm sure that day will come. I just wish it was now. Keep the faith, becky

1 comment:

Laura said...

Becky, I know exactly how you feel. The best medicine is a positive attitude..... think positive. You will someday have your life back and will live it to the fullest. Your life will have a whole new outlook... all the little things in life will become the most important. My advice I can give you at this time.... Don't waste the next two weeks worrying about your scan.... rather spend the next two weeks enjoying your life and loving those around you. Deal with the outcome of your scan when you have to. Think Positive and stay Focused. Take one day at a time. My prayers are always with you.