Friday, April 22, 2011

In AA, there is an expression that says "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired". Tonight, I feel that way. Even tho my battle is cancer, how do people do this day in and day out? How do they get up in the mornings, praying each day will somehow be different, and yet find it is much the same? I know today I just don't feel good. I also know I just need to go to bed and try to get some rest. But I also know I just want to get well, go back to work, and the biggest decision I have that day is what to have for lunch. I want my hair back, my crazy energy, and my readiness to tackle the world. And today, I am just not feeling it. I am grateful to God that he got me thru another day, even tho I felt bad. I am grateful we got Chris picked up so he could spend his 17th birthday with his brother, and Easter with us. And I am grateful God has put friends and family in my life. To get me where I need to go. I just wish I was well, and wasn't going thru this at all. Maybe someday. Keep the faith, Becky

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying for you Becky, I am sorry you are sick.