Sunday, April 10, 2011

This is the day that the Lord has made

I will rejoice and be glad in it. Isn't it ironic what priorities we set in life. My priorities used to be to buy a house, have granite countertops, take another million mile road trip with the Huggins family, get that promotion, or at least recognition at work, have money in the bank, drive a nice car, etc. Funny how the priorities change. Today, I don't care about any of that stuff, except maybe another million mile road trip with the Huggins family. Today, my priorities are to be able to wake up in the morning, to breath, to enjoy my friends, to go to a movie, eat tons of buttered popcorn cuz who cares about the girlish figure now. My priorities are that my grandchildren, tho the little ones may not always remember me, I want them to know what an awesome Nannie I am. The bigger ones will remember me. I have always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island. Hopefully, I can get well enough I can make that trip with the Huggins. Now, please don't misunderstand what I am saying here today. I have NOT
given up. I am still fighting to beat this thing. I am not depressed and laying dowwn waiting to die. I have fought my whole life and I have always said if there is breath, there is hope. My hope is not gone, my faith is not shaken, and I am so blessed. I am going to church today, then staying over for the pot luck dinner. I am going to start the ladies game nights they have at church that I hadn't been able to do due to time restraints. I am going to spend more
Time rocking my little grandbabies. So, my priorities have changed. I just wish they would
Have changed sooner. So today, I will just rejoice. I am so blessed. Keep the faith, becky


Anonymous said...

Ya know mom, I realized around the time dad died how fleeting life really is. And that the material things don't matter. Like you, I'm more about spending quality time with the ones we love and trying to appreciate one another because that opportunity can be gone in a instant. I am thankful that it didn't take a terminal disease for me to discover that revelation. We do take the time to travel and goof off and I certainly am in no danger of wishing I had spent less time at work or more time with my children. And although I don't have much money or anything to show for the life I've lived, I could die today and be perfectly satisfied that I have lived my life to the fullest. I love you and I know you will fight this thing as long as you have breath.
Love your daughter, Christy

Love of My Life said...

I'm with Christy. ;)

sealboy84 said...

I'm with both of them ^

Cheri said...
