Saturday, April 16, 2011

It is true that some days, I have bad days and bombard you guys with all my anger and frustration, today is not one of those days. Now please understand, I went from a single woman, working hard, at a job I love, with people in love, and it was a place I was needed to
be there. Came home to do chores, be mother to 2 teenage foster sons, and just busy. So I've gone from that to a big fat ZERO! I feel bad, my life is centered around drs, I miss my home depot family and life there, so sometimes, I just feel sorry for myself and whine. The unfortunate part, is I whine to you guys. I know I wrote about this last night, but I want to say just one more time how much good getting together with my home depot family meant to me. I feel like a new determination has been breathed into me. It is tough for me to be so isolated, and much of that is my fault. My immune system is so low, that if you are even a little sick, I cannot see you. I so, so, so loved last night. Thank you guys for putting it all together. Thank you for the laughs, food, great times. I am so blessed. I think about all the sick people who have no one, and I am surrounded with people who love me and help me, pray for me, pray for my drs, and take me where I need to go. I cannot even begin to thank you enough, and I am just so blessed.

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