Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today I got frustrated

Today was a frustrating day. I saw my oncologist yesterday, and he gave me a list of
things to do, drs to call, and call his schedulers back and get a time set for my
next chemo. I managed to get ahold of everyone, and appts set with everyone he asked me
to except his own schedulers. I called no less than 5 times and all I need is a time to
be there. Dr k already gave me the dates, all I need is the times. Getting these times is
important so I can schedule rides with the American cancer society to take me. Since the
schedulers aren't dying, they are in no hurry. I am discovering I m loosing my patience.
So tonight, I am just frustrated. I am sick of drs, proceedures, and everyone having
control of my life. I just want my life back. And I have just begun this journey. Please
Don't think I have given up, I haven't. But it is so hard not to. So tonight, I think
I'm just discouraged and tired. I am going to bed. I will start the calls again tomorrow
and see if I have better luck. Good night, Becky


Emily said...

You are right. No one cares like you do. You just have to make sure to keep making noise. I know it isn't easy, but keep up the good fight. I love you so much Aunt Becky!

Unknown said...

I volunteer to make phone calls for you if you ever need it. My grandson has been sick with yet another virus and I have been watching him. so I decided not to call for us to get together until he is well and/or to see if I get sick. So you won't be exposed. I am praying for you.