Friday, April 15, 2011

Today I got brave

Today I got brave. I am a bury my head in the sand person. Not that I want to be lied to, or be disillusioned, but the hard things I cannot control anyway, I would just as soon not know. I looked up info on the Internet, but my drs hav told me to stop doing that. They said most of the info was false. So today, I called the American cancer society and low and behold, they
have the latest and most accurate info on my type of cancer. They are putting a packet in the mail as we speak. So now I will become somewhat educated, know more specifically what to pray about, and feel a little more that I am in control instead of just along for the ride. Tonight, Cheryl and I are going to meet my home depot buds at stans on the balcony. It will be like old times. We used to do this every 2 weeks, but then we all got busy, and we slowed down. So tonight, at stans, on the balcony, overlooking the lake, and just having fun. I am so there! I so welcome this! Thank you ladies for putting this together, you are awesome. Today I am so grateful for still being able to breath without oxygen, I am grateful I woke up, I am grateful all my appts are set, and I am grateful God is still in control. I am grateful God is bigger than the drs, and am grateful he got me with an awesome team of drs. Today, I am just grateful for many things. Keep the faith, becky

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