Friday, April 1, 2011

Today is chemo day

As I sit here hooked up to chemotherapy, I am reminded at how frail my body
Really is. I always think I am strong, hear me roar, and all that seems to
be coming out is a small whisper. Today, that is ok. At least something is
coming out. Chemo is a weird thing. I am nauseated, and I seem really tired.
But today, I feel the presence of the Lord. Stroking my head, telling me to be
still. So, I will be still, I could not go on this journey without God. I
absolutely refuse to blame Him for this because He didn't cause it. Any chance,
ANY CHANCE I have if beating this thing is thru my Lord, Savior,and Creator. I
Will remain safely tucked in his bosom, and being so very thankful I am a Christ
Follower. I have discovered I do not like chemotherapy, I hate the way it makes
Me feel. I look at it tho that it's kinda like childbirth. It's no fun getting
There, but the end result is so worth it. Until next time....keep the faith


Cheri said...

You are in our prayers... Your attitude is great and you are so right to keep faithful and positive so you can beat this thing!!
Let me know if we can help in any way. Take care of yourself and God Bless You.
Cheri Stanwix
Sean Young's mother in law

Judy said...

I love you aint becky today we were driving to claremore and i looked up at the sky and the sun was peeking out and it made me sit and think about you, we were listening to gospal music and i was just feeling his amazing touch the love that he does have for each and everyone of us and something came to my mind, AUnt Becky he isnt done with you, i dont feel like your plan is complete yet you got so much and have been in so many places that alot of us would of just givin up and quit but no not you you are on the army of god, Just like the song im in the lords army im in the lords army, there is alot of people you can reach out and help and you have already but right now you take care and get better I lOve you!!! yours truely judy